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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Welcome to Kroc Church

This is my commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you.
– John 15:12

Welcome to Kroc Church Image

Welcome to Kroc Church

Greater love has no one than this,
that someone lay down his life for his friends.
– John 15:13

Welcome to Kroc Church Image

Welcome to Kroc Church

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
– John 3:16

Welcome to Kroc Church Image

Welcome to Kroc Church

Above all, love each other deeply,
because love covers over a multitude of sins.
– 1 Peter 4:8

Worship with Us

Kroc Church is a place where people from all walks of life are welcomed and belong. We gather to study the Bible, worship God and progress together in community so that lives are changed through Jesus. Come join us, you belong here! 

• Encourage Christ-filled relationships
• Equip believers with the Truth of the Gospel
• Engage with our community
• Evangelize through our words and our walk

10am in the Kroc Worship Theater

Attend Sunday Service in-person or watch it live on Facebook!

Appleseeds Children's Ministry: Sundays in-person at 10am, Virtual Playlist available 24/7
Mustard Seeds Infant and Toddler Ministry:
Sundays in-person at 10am
Family Sundays: First Sunday of Every Month


"Nail Your Pain to the Cross" Prayer Experience

Good Friday, April 18, 10am–5pm

Be a part of a very unique worship opportunity. Stop by the River Community Room for a time of prayer. As a symbol of leaving your burdens behind, you will be able to physically nail your prayer requests to the cross.

Drop in anytime from 10am–5pm.


Kroc Church Resurrection Sunday Easter Service

Sunday, April 20, 10am*

Rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus with meaningful worship! 

*Kroc Center closed Sunday, April 20 except for Easter Service

Raising Modern Day Knights - Men's Ministry

We extend an invitation to join us in exploring the teachings of God, sharing impactful personal stories of perseverance and strength, and embracing the kind of manhood, leadership, and personal character that all men are called to, yet only a few have truly embraced.

This 6 session class for fathers and sons will guide you in adopting a biblical code of conduct that defines true manhood.
These values include Courage, Loyalty, Servant-Leadership, Kindness, Humility, Purity, Honesty, Self-Discipline, Excellence, Integrity, and Perseverance.

2nd & 3rd Saturday of each month: March 8 & 22, April 12 & 26, and May 10 & 24
8–10am, Ages 8+, Admission Cost $35
Cost covers both Father and Son Registration

Registration opens to Members at 10am on Feb 11.
Public registration opens at 10am on Feb 18.

Mid-Week Discipleship

Wednesdays, 6:45–8am, Ages 14+

Join a core group of men as we fellowship and study God's Word together. We meet together over coffee and pastries, while challenging each other to deepen our relationships with God and others. 

Thursdays starting in September, 10:30am, Ages 14+

Join with other men from Kroc Church and the community as we share a meal and watch an inspiring movie. The movie and meal are free to all.

hursdays, 10:30am, Ages 14+

Come join together with other women to study God’s Word and connect for prayer, praise, and encouragement over coffee.  Enjoy great conversation as friendships develop through practical Bible Study series, prayer, and special interest classes.

Youth Ministries

The Kroc Center offers a variety of ministry programs for children of all ages, both during and after Sunday Service, and also during the week. In addition to more traditional ministry programs, many Kroc Center youth classes and camps also include Christian-based values and fun Bible lessons.

Click below to learn more the different weekly children's ministry offerings.

Appleseeds Children's Ministry

Sundays at 9:45am | 1st–5th Grade 
“The field is the world, and as for the good seed; these are the sons and daughters of The Kingdom of God”(Matt 13:38) . “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings” (Psalm 17:8).

Our children are a precious gift entrusted to us by God, to teach and help grow in the knowledge and foundation of Truth. Providing a safe, positive, encouraging, and fun environment is our passion and goal!

“Though it is the smallest of all other seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches” (Matt 13:32).

Sunbeams for Girls

Dec 5–Feb 27 | Thursdays | 5:30–6:30pm | Ages 6–11
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Mar 6–May 22 | Thursdays | 5:30–6:30pm | Ages 6–11
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Our Sunbeam program emphasizes discipleship, evangelism, and the development of life skills. Designed for girls in grades 1-5, it offers opportunities for building friendships, self-confidence, community awareness and service, as well as unique opportunities for presenting the gospel. Sunbeams takes members through a series of achievement emblems and award levels that help our young ladies to develop their unique individuality and potential.

Register Here

Explorers for Boys

Dec 8–Mar 2 | Sundays | Noon–1pm | Ages 6–11
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Mar 9–Jun 8 | Sundays | Noon–1pm | Ages 6–11
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Explorers creates the opportunity for boys in first through fifth grade to step out on an adventure with Christ and the world around them. There are opportunities to learn about the interests of boys. Physical fitness, setting goals and reaching them, embracing life and discovering how to be young men to lead, protect, and serve.

Register Here

Moonbeams for Littles

Dec 4–Feb 26 | Wednesdays | 11:30am–12:15pm | Ages 4–6
Dec 4–Feb 26 | Wednesdays | 4–4:45pm | Ages 4–6
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Mar 5–Jun 4 | Wednesdays | 11:30am–12:15pm | Ages 4–6
Mar 5–Jun 4 | Wednesdays | 4–4:45pm | Ages 4–6
Member: $12.75, Public: $15 (Free for Kroc Church Participants) 

Moonbeams is designed for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 6 years old. We learn how to seek Jesus to help us do the things we should, and to be kind and good toward others, in all that we do. To grow to be more like Jesus every day! The moon reflects light in the dark night sky just like Jesus wants His children to reflect His light in a dark world. Moonbeams learn that they can reflect the light of Jesus by being kind and helpful. Moonbeams remember to be a light that shines for Jesus. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!

Register Here

Jr High Discipleship

Sunday 9:45am | Ages 11–14
Sunday morning classes 9:45-11:15am in The Zone and Café for young men and young women in 6th through 9th grade. The two groups grow in positive social interaction with a game, then divide into 2 classes for a more focused learning time about biblical events, the real people who lived those out, why that matters and how we can apply it to our life right now. We also participate in ways to help our local community, and missionaries around the world.


Missed a Sunday? We've got you covered! 

Stay current with Sunday services by watching our sermons live on Facebook or view a past sermon.

Watch on Facebook


Meet the Ministry Team

Don & Ronda Gilger
Senior Pastors

The Gilgers have been Officers in The Salvation Army for over 34 years, and have had assignments throughout the western United States and overseas including Denver, Portland and most recently as Divisional Commanders serving in the country of Moldova. Don and Ronda have four children and nine grandchildren.

Steve Slover

  (208) 763-0617

  [email protected]

Laura Sporleder
Youth Ministry Leader

  (208) 763-3675

  [email protected]

Join The Kroc Team!

Kroc Church relies on volunteers to help with Children's Ministry, Sunday Service, outreach events like Operation Clothe-a-Child, and more.

Click here to see current Kroc Church volunteer opportunities!


Enjoy Free Worship Resources, On Us! 

We’re excited to give you free access to RightNow Media, a wonderful library of video resources for all ages from churches and pastors all across the country, to help you develop and grow as a disciple of Jesus. Streaming directly to your computer, tablet, or mobile device, you’ll find the online Bible Study Library includes relevant content for every age group or spiritual season.

You can search by category, topic, or speaker. Additionally, many of the series have direct links to workbooks and leader guides. Parents, you’ll find that RightNow has a multitude of videos and resources for your kids. Utilize the links above to start using this resource today.

Access RightNow Media



Have Questions?

We're here to help! Contact our helpful and caring staff today and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need.

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