Kroc Man Chronicles 2
One man, one mission... Take all of the classes!
Hi all,
Josh here,
On my mission to take all the drop-in classes, I have already taken Aqua Zumba, Aqua Sculpt, and H20 Mashup, and Pilates Fusion. For anyone wondering why I took all the aqua classes first, it’s because I’m coming off a knee surgery from last spring and I am just working my way back into the gym, as I’m sure many of you are. If any of you are coming back from a knee injury or have joint issues, this one’s for you!
For me, the pool offers the best low impact workout for one’s joints. While working out in the early morning class, I realized that it’s not just for those of us recovering from injury, but the resistance tools helped make my water aerobic workouts strenuous. The high pace, constant movement workouts helped me work up a sweat.
Waking up the next morning after Aqua Zumba, my knee felt so good! I could barely tell the difference between my good knee and my bad knee. The constant movement, flexion, and extension in my knees and ankles seemed to have been a catalyst in lubricating my joints. I could feel my blood flowing. In my mind, that’s when some major healing took place. Not to mention that after taking all these classes, I can safely say that I received a great workout.
The only class that did not make my knee feel so great was H20 Mashup. I’m sure my knee just wasn’t used to the number of kicking motions we made during this class. It’s a fast-paced high-energy class. At this point in my recovery, I’m sure I would be just fine. No joke, one really works up a sweat during H20 Mashup. If you haven’t yet, you should really check it out.
And then there was Pilates Fusion… I was a little nervous about taking this class at point when my knee recovery seemed a little shaky, but I slowly realized the class was only helping. There were a couple of times when I wasn’t sure if I could keep my balance on the ball we used with my legs and arms akimbo, and yes, between you and me I fell over a couple of times, but no one laughed or made fun of me.
Either way, I felt at home enough and followed our instructor Jules’s instructions. I grabbed the ball and shoved it under my back and proceeded to flail about like an upside-down cockroach. We also used strengthening bands during Pilates Fusion, and as a macho man that I am (he said in jest), I chose the blue band, which I was told had higher resistance. It was fine. I made it through the class in better shape than I thought. I celebrated by drinking water.
While I don’t think I was the best at Pilates Fusion, I wasn’t the worst. I could feel my balance, core and muscular strength being tested. I think I passed.
Overall, this journey of cross discipline training as been good for both my overall fitness and for my knee recovery. I’m so thankful to belong to a gym that really caters to my needs. I am happy to say that I’ve picked up a BINGO card and am very much looking forward to a blackout.
I’ll say ta-ta for now, and maybe I’ll see you in my next class… Kroc Man out!